Monday, April 8, 2013

Super Kids Eat Super Foods!

In my class, we've been studying nutrition.  Now, I'm not always the best role model for healthy eating.  I am currently eating a piece of apple pie for breakfast.  Does that count as my fruit serving?  I am completely honest with my students, and I tell them it's ok to eat pie every once in a while.  I call junk food "Every Once in a While Food".

I've been working hard on a nutrition/exercise/healthy living unit that includes all of the standards my district requires.  There are a few standards that are really unique, such as talking how the media influences health decisions.  In my new unit, there are 12 activities, 2 easy readers, and a craftivity.    I talk about healthy eating, eating a variety of foods, trying new foods, exercise, media influences and more.

In honor of my new unit, here is a freebie to help teach the new "My Plate" nutrition guidelines.  Click here or on the picture to download your freebie.
Classroom Freebies Manic Monday

Also, I only need 14 more followers of my Teachers Pay Teachers store in order to post my 100 follower giveaway.  Oh, and it is COOL!

Have a GREAT week!


  1. I ask the parents to send in healthy snacks and even send a list...but you cannot imagine the things that have been brought in!

    Thank you for sharing.

    1. I have one parent that packs only cookies and a gogurt for lunch.
