THE BIGGEST help for parent teacher conferences is the sheet I use to gather my thoughts before my meetings. It has a place to write things to "glow" on, things to "grow" on, long term goals, and how parents can help. This year, I added DIBELS goals for the entire year, so parents can see the DIBELS expectations throughout the year.
I have a non-editable version in my Teachers Pay Teachers Freebie, but I like to type my sheets. So, I brainstormed and found a way to give you this sheet without violating my clip art agreement. :)
Please read the following:
- You will need Microsoft Publisher to download and open this document.
- If you want to keep the same fonts, you will need to purchase Cara Carroll's fonts. In my opinion, her fonts are amazing, and buying this one set will make you want to purchase the other two sets. I just wanted to give you that warning.
If you would like to download my parent teacher conference sheet, please click here.
I hope your parent teacher conferences go well (mine were awesome!), and this sheet helps you remember everything you had wanted to say. :)
Have a fantastic weekend!